Starting my Spray Tan Business. . .
I was very hesitant to get into this business, or really any business. I had owned a small business in the past and knew the tole it takes on you to be the one carrying the responsibility of success on your shoulders. I have three children now and did not think that any job would be possible much less one that would require me to keep such a loose schedule. Also, I don't consider myself a true "girly-girl" and was not sure that the health and beauty industry was really the right place for me.
With my pros and cons list weighing heavily to one side I stayed on the side lines. I hunted for a "real" job occasionaly and did some contract work for marketing but in truth these were not great fits. I did not want to drive into Atlanta everyday or even really work 40 hours a week. Who would pick up my kids from school? How could I possibly get homework done? And though I am sorry to say this about myself I needed a little more pressure on me than loose hours of contract work to keep me happy. I need a little stress to keep me focused. If I dont have a little something going on I tend to drift towards lazy. One day at home to catch up on laundry and do the floors is a dream, two days and I am dying for a new to do list.
So that is how it came to be. . . My friend Natasha, part owner of Golden Sol, pushed me out of the nest so to speak. At the time it felt like cliff diving but I could not be happier. She knew that this business is fantastic and just takes a little ground work to get going. She knows me and understands the need of a clear cut goals for each day.
So I started. Goal One: get clients. This is the part that is scary. I have a machine, solution, and top notch training. Who cares? No one knows I exist. So I started making the rounds. I decided that I wanted to work during school hours mostly and the area I live so I found three locations that I thought would be good, made a deal with them on payment, set my hours at each place, and . . . waited for the phone to ring. . . Nothing. Uh-oh! So then I thought about how many things these business owners are doing each day and how they did not have time to do my job for me. So I made three appointment books, flyers, and signs advertising myself and put them at each location so that all they have to do was point at the sign and give the client a pen and . . . one appointment each. Not bad. So then I tanned each owner for free and gave them a gorgeous tan. . . this week I had 19 appointments. WOO HOO!
People are genuinely excited about this product and I am genuinely excited about the fact that I get to make people happy all day and still spend my evenings and weekends with my family.
This week is Prom so my goal is to beat 19 appointments! I will let you know!