Five Tips from a Traveling Sprayer:
I travel from place to place for all my sprays. I may tan in up to three locations in any given day and have learned a lot from my first few days of spraying on how to make this job much easier so I thought I would share a few of my tips with you!
1. My number one favorite tip is USE BOTH GUNS! I used to spend so much time painstakingly switching from one cup to another to use my 10 and 12. I reasoned that I had my favorite one and it was adjusted perfectly so I left the other gun in the car and twisted those cups on and off in between every spray. I would just get my 12 going when I had to switch to 10 and so on and so on. Now I carry both guns everywhere I go. I have a 10 gun and a 12 gun and one cup of 8 floating around in my bag. This makes life so much easier when you have a line of people waiting to get tanned. You just switch the whole gun on and off the hose. This also makes it SO much easier to keep up with which cup has the 10 and which one has the 12.
2. CLEAN YOUR TENT! My clients never have any trouble letting me set up in their homes, on their carpet, or even small apartment spaces in Atlanta. I attribute this to the fact that I clean my equipment at least once a week. Every week, right before my first busy day I spray out my tent (don’t forget to wash the bottom, it gets dirty from folding it up into the bag), spray down my fan and fan bag, and, if necessary, put all my bags in the laundry. I also wipe down my electrical cords and re-organize my bag. Clean equipment goes a long way in making me comfortable every time I set up my tent and if I am comfortable so is the client.
3. SELL THOSE PACKAGES. I sell a lot of 4 tan packages. At first I was worried about how to keep up with them but now I just carry around a receipt book and write a receipt for the total price and then list four lines labeled Tan One, Tan Two, Etc. . . Then each time they come in and tan I initial and date next to Tan One and then Tan Two, Etc. . . You could even get them to initial beside your initials so that there is never any confusion about how many are left in the package.
4. BE A GIRL SCOUT. Always be prepared! Traveling to tan is like camping in the wilderness, if you didn’t bring it, you don’t have it. I keep a box in the trunk of my car with extras of things that I am constantly running out of; clean towels, baby wipes, pre-tan prep, a shop light for dark spaces, cups, etc. . . This way, in a pinch, I can always run to my car and have everything I need.
5. Carry Febreeze in your bag. Sometimes my tent smells more like tan than spa when I pop it up so I carry a bottle of febreeze in my bag and spray the sides, towel, and filter with it before the client comes in. This way they get a whiff of freshness right when they step inside!
Do you have a tip for us? Please share it with us. Leave a comment below or put it on FBook! We would love to hear from you!
Reviva Labs Hyaluronic Acid Serum
13 years ago
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