Monday, August 2, 2010

Tanning the Furry

Tanning the Furry
Have male clients? Are you nervous about tanning past a hairy leg or arm?
Tanning past the hair is not a problem. The problem comes from tiny micro-droplets of solution sitting on the shafts of hair, eventually transferring to the skin, and creating small freckle like spots all over the skin. The good news is this problem is easily overcome! So expand your client base to men with confidence. Just follow these two easy steps.
Step One: Tan as Normal. Tanning a man is no different than tanning a woman: back, sides, front, face, etc. .
Step Two: Take a clean paper towel and run it slowly down the arms, legs, etc. . . without ever touching the skin. The paper towel will wick away the excess moisture from the hair without damaging the tan on the skin.
Voila! A flawless tan again!

Now, how to get those male clients. . .
I have a few suggestions for reaching this market.
1. Gyms. Go to the source of men that care about their bodies and how they look. Especially for competitions.
2. Go through their wives. Offer specials before Christmas Party Season or Family packages for family portraits. Offer couple specials for on-site tanning. Women like to see their men tanned so use that angle to get in the door!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The heat is on. . . growing your business during the Summer.

The heat is on. . .
Oh man. It is hot out there. As the temperature rises, so does the likely hood that people are going to spend their days in the sun, by the pool, and on the beach. And yes, that means they are less likely to need a spray tan.
This is why it is super important to always be growing your tanning clientele and to make sure that you have clients from all parts of our market. And to make sure we are constantly move your clients up the ladder to the next level of tanning.
What is our market? I think it breaks down into three parts.
1. Our best clients are probably the smallest part of our market. These are the weekly tanners. These clients buy one package after another and tan almost every week. They are loyal to us as sprayers. They refer us clients on a regular basis. So far this is the smallest percentage of my business at about 10%. I am always working to grow this segment but understand that (at least in my geographical area) that this will probably always be the least represented segment of my business as the disposable income is not as high here as in other areas.
2. Next are our occasional tanners. This is the area of my business that I feel has the greatest potential for growth. These are the ones that tan every month or two months. They tan for events, holidays, and date nights. They are not weekly and don’t buy packages but they come often enough for you to know about their lives and children and know that if they are there to see you they have something exciting that they want to look good for to do coming up. This segment is a great segment to sell product too. Your weekly tanners don’t really need product, they are always coming to see you but these women (and men) want to be tanned but can’t get to you every week and Tan in the Can or Facial Bronzer will allow them to maintain their glow a little longer. This segment makes up probably 50% of my business. Specials on tan packages and before holidays are a great way to get them back in the door if they have been absent too long.
3. The final group of tanners is the One-Timers. This segment of my business tans once a year. These are the people that tan every year before their cruise or for Easter or Prom. They have one event they tan for and that is it. Keep in contact with your One-Timers. Sure they may not be back for year but by receiving bi-monthly emails or an occasional phone call you may be able to move them up the ladder to occasional tanner. They know they love the product, they just have not committed to it yet. Can’t move them to the next level? If you never get a second tan during the year make sure you have plenty of product on hand when do they call. Since they call only once a year for a splurge they are very likely to go ahead and splurge on a whole lot product during their visit.
Knowing your market is the key to growing your business as the sun shines bright. Treat each segment individually. Send your weekly tanners a personal note when you are scheduling them, birthday cards, and make sure you ask about their families and events in their lives each time you see them. Occasional tanners need a weekly email with some type of pertinent information in them. I send a blanket email to all occasional tanners with my schedule for the week and include any specials that I am running and that my tanning locations are running. I tan in a make-up studio and gym so if they have a special on eye shadow or kickboxing classes I include that information. My One-Timers get an email twice a month. I write a short note with my availability for the week and suggest new reasons to tan; Fourth of July, Perfect Poolside Legs, Ladies Night, Etc. . .
No matter the temperature there are always those who need a tan. Don’t lose touch with any of your clients and they will always have your information at their finger tips when they need you!

Friday, June 25, 2010

The babies are here!

Yeah! Golden Sol is proud to announce the arrival of TWO new future Spray Tanners!
Kendra Odum and Krista Bixlers (both owners in Golden Sol) have given birth to gorgeous baby girls.

So how is life in these growing families of business owners? Both say tired but absolutely never better.

Josie Lyn Bixler 6/15/10 8lb 12oz

Anna Brooke...10.3 lbs, 22 inches

Friday, June 4, 2010

Five Tips from a Traveling Sprayer

Five Tips from a Traveling Sprayer:
I travel from place to place for all my sprays. I may tan in up to three locations in any given day and have learned a lot from my first few days of spraying on how to make this job much easier so I thought I would share a few of my tips with you!
1. My number one favorite tip is USE BOTH GUNS! I used to spend so much time painstakingly switching from one cup to another to use my 10 and 12. I reasoned that I had my favorite one and it was adjusted perfectly so I left the other gun in the car and twisted those cups on and off in between every spray. I would just get my 12 going when I had to switch to 10 and so on and so on. Now I carry both guns everywhere I go. I have a 10 gun and a 12 gun and one cup of 8 floating around in my bag. This makes life so much easier when you have a line of people waiting to get tanned. You just switch the whole gun on and off the hose. This also makes it SO much easier to keep up with which cup has the 10 and which one has the 12.
2. CLEAN YOUR TENT! My clients never have any trouble letting me set up in their homes, on their carpet, or even small apartment spaces in Atlanta. I attribute this to the fact that I clean my equipment at least once a week. Every week, right before my first busy day I spray out my tent (don’t forget to wash the bottom, it gets dirty from folding it up into the bag), spray down my fan and fan bag, and, if necessary, put all my bags in the laundry. I also wipe down my electrical cords and re-organize my bag. Clean equipment goes a long way in making me comfortable every time I set up my tent and if I am comfortable so is the client.
3. SELL THOSE PACKAGES. I sell a lot of 4 tan packages. At first I was worried about how to keep up with them but now I just carry around a receipt book and write a receipt for the total price and then list four lines labeled Tan One, Tan Two, Etc. . . Then each time they come in and tan I initial and date next to Tan One and then Tan Two, Etc. . . You could even get them to initial beside your initials so that there is never any confusion about how many are left in the package.
4. BE A GIRL SCOUT. Always be prepared! Traveling to tan is like camping in the wilderness, if you didn’t bring it, you don’t have it. I keep a box in the trunk of my car with extras of things that I am constantly running out of; clean towels, baby wipes, pre-tan prep, a shop light for dark spaces, cups, etc. . . This way, in a pinch, I can always run to my car and have everything I need.
5. Carry Febreeze in your bag. Sometimes my tent smells more like tan than spa when I pop it up so I carry a bottle of febreeze in my bag and spray the sides, towel, and filter with it before the client comes in. This way they get a whiff of freshness right when they step inside!
Do you have a tip for us? Please share it with us. Leave a comment below or put it on FBook! We would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Maximing your Client Base

Maximizing your Client Base

The biggest obstacle I found to getting started is this business is that almost everyone knows someone with a spray tan horror story; too orange, dark palms, horrible smell, etc. . .. How can you overcome such a negative expectation?
The key is create a positive expectation in your circle of influence. I choose a few key people in my facebook network that I knew were influential to many people. Then I chose a few locations to do sprays and set up times and days with them. Then I went to work. I sprayed those influential people for free at my home, they were friends after all, and I sprayed the owners and workers of my locations at no charge. . . and they LOVED it!
The entire time I sprayed I talked about the virtues of a person tanning you over a machine and how far superior Golden Sol products were to anything else on the market. I commented on their lack of orange color and how wonderful the smell was. I talked about the story of Golden Sol, how I got into the business and how excited I am about this product. I told them how this can save you from skin cancer and give you real options for tanning. Then I sent them on their way.
Within hours my facebook page was lit up with thank you for their beautiful tans. I didnt ask them to post it but I knew they were facebook devotees and they were grateful for the free tan so I suspected they would. With each post came questions from other friends and calls for appointments! The grateful staff at my locations were also talking. They loved their tan and wanted to help me since I had tanned them at no charge. Those places started booking too!
Now here is the important part. With each tan I booked from here on out I had the client fill out a release form with thier name, email, and phone number on it. Not only did this give me protection from personal liability but also great info on my client. Each day I email the tans from the day before and check on how they are doing. Clients love that you care! When they write back a great note about how much they love it I post it on Facebook! More questions, more bookings.
Once a week I email everyone that has not been tanned for two weeks. . . more bookings! Within one month I have one hundred clients and tan between 5 -19 people a week.
One note: Be careful of discounts. Before I had the plan I implemented above worked out I offered deep discounts in order to get people to try it. Those who paid those low prices did not value the service and were not raving fans like my higher paying clients, also now they do not want to pay the higher price, which is necessary to make the business viable, so I have lost them as clients. Free or full price really is the way to go.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tips and Tricks for Spray Tanning

Alligator Skin from Spray Tanning??
If you are starting to notice a look of alligator skin on yourself or your clients, not to worry, this is normal! Let me explain why...
The main ingredient in every sunless tanning product is DHA, Dihydroxyacetone, which is simply a form of sugar. The way DHA works is by attaching itself to your outer most layer of skin and mixing with the proteins and amino acids within you to create a color change in those skin cells. Our skin is many layers deep and when we obtain a tan from the actual sun, it actually tans our skin several layers deep...which is the reason you can get 2nd and 3rd degree burns from the sun. The deeper it goes, the more layers it is effecting. DHA is much different than the sun in that it can't go any further than the very top layer of skin. DHA also tends to have a drying effect on the skin cells, almost causing them to shrink and dry out more quickly than they normally would. This is why it is so important to moisturize your skin every time you get out of the shower or bath. In the winter and spring, our skin hasn't been exposed to several months of warm weather and thus we have no color on our skin. When you spray tan, you are coloring the top layer, but everything underneath is still very pale. As the skin cells shrink from their normal drying pattern, you start to see the fresh layers of skin underneath...which are very light compared to your spray tanned skin. In the summer and fall, we still have a nice base tan from the sun and the layers underneath our top layer have some color. You will not typically notice the alligator look during the summer, just because the skin underneath is darker. do we fix this?? Our skin naturally regenerates every 7 to 10 days and when you've obtained a sun tan or a sunless tan; your skin may even dry out faster and shed more quickly. When you start to notice the alligator look, it is time to exfoliate and get that dead skin off. Even if you can't get all of it to come off, getting the majority will help your next sunless tan look more natural. This is a great time to sell your clients an exfoliate and some moisturizing lotion! I suggest using an exfoliate as well as a cotton washcloth. You can suggest to your clients to either take a long shower or bath and wait until the end of the shower or bath to exfoliate. This allows the skin to become very soft and the tanned skin will be removed more easily. I personally like to use a white washcloth so I can actually see what is being removed from my skin.

The most important thing your clients can do before they get spray tanned is exfoliate! Even if they don't want to use a product, just a simple cotton washcloth works. I would recommend this over a loofah, it just works better. By exfoliating first, their sunless tan will look more natural and will fade more naturally.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Changes. . .

The realization that I am not good with change...

I have always considered myself a flexible person. If something had to be done, then I just added it into my day and got it done! If something had to be fixed, then I added it into my day and fixed it. I know…I know…I'm a textbook Type-A personality. And because of this, the challenge of “the unexpected” just helps me to stay on track and make things happen. Well, when an opportunity presented itself for my family and me to move down to South Florida and expand the Golden Sol enterprise, I jumped on it!
The decision to move was the easy part! The actual move, however…well, that generated a whirlwind of feelings that I've never been accustomed too, an unfamiliar feeling of UNCERTAINTY. New and complex decisions had to be addressed - Where we were to live? Where will my daughter go to school? Which is the best moving vendor? When should we leave? Who will our new doctors and dentists be? And the big one - is this what I really want?
I grew up in Miami, so the idea of going back home after nearly eleven years of Atlanta living was exciting! At least, those were my thoughts when it was a dream and not reality. The shocking, almost earth-shattering reality was that I AM NOT GOOD WITH CHANGE!! I am far too structured and set in my ways to handle such an influx of unknown variables. A daily routine is something I value and need. As a mother, a wife, and business owner this consistency is intrinsic to who I am.

After a few weeks of packing all my earthly belongings and slowly disassociating myself from my true feelings, it was time for the big move. As I made the 10-hour drive from Atlanta to South Florida, my heart felt heavier and heavier. It finally hit me that my entire adult life had been established in Atlanta. After college I moved straight to the ATL. I found my love, got married, had a child, made lifelong friendships, started new careers, and then BAM...I left it all behind.
As I pulled into my new home, I realized that life as we had been living it would be totally altered. At that point I couldn’t determine if this would be for the worse or the better; I just knew it would be different. I felt run over, exhausted, and home sick. It was then I realized that change is not my strong suit. I am such a control freak that the unknown shuts me down. The first week was the hardest, as I experienced episodes of near-anxiety attacks that seemed to strangle me. But as the next couple of weeks rolled by, I was suddenly engulfed with a feeling of contentment. I realized that this change is probably the best decision I've made in a long time. It has nothing to do with the location, distance, or career...but everything to do with letting go of my controlled environment and trying something new on for size; allowing new ideas, clients, friends, environments, and adventures to set in. I will never lose the precious bonds I’ve established and grown with my Atlanta friends, but I'm opening myself for the adventures to come! So as difficult as the revelation was that change is NOT my strong point, it opened a new page in the book called Natasha's Life.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Starting my Spray Tan Business

Starting my Spray Tan Business. . .

I was very hesitant to get into this business, or really any business. I had owned a small business in the past and knew the tole it takes on you to be the one carrying the responsibility of success on your shoulders. I have three children now and did not think that any job would be possible much less one that would require me to keep such a loose schedule. Also, I don't consider myself a true "girly-girl" and was not sure that the health and beauty industry was really the right place for me.

With my pros and cons list weighing heavily to one side I stayed on the side lines. I hunted for a "real" job occasionaly and did some contract work for marketing but in truth these were not great fits. I did not want to drive into Atlanta everyday or even really work 40 hours a week. Who would pick up my kids from school? How could I possibly get homework done? And though I am sorry to say this about myself I needed a little more pressure on me than loose hours of contract work to keep me happy. I need a little stress to keep me focused. If I dont have a little something going on I tend to drift towards lazy. One day at home to catch up on laundry and do the floors is a dream, two days and I am dying for a new to do list.

So that is how it came to be. . . My friend Natasha, part owner of Golden Sol, pushed me out of the nest so to speak. At the time it felt like cliff diving but I could not be happier. She knew that this business is fantastic and just takes a little ground work to get going. She knows me and understands the need of a clear cut goals for each day.

So I started. Goal One: get clients. This is the part that is scary. I have a machine, solution, and top notch training. Who cares? No one knows I exist. So I started making the rounds. I decided that I wanted to work during school hours mostly and the area I live so I found three locations that I thought would be good, made a deal with them on payment, set my hours at each place, and . . . waited for the phone to ring. . . Nothing. Uh-oh! So then I thought about how many things these business owners are doing each day and how they did not have time to do my job for me. So I made three appointment books, flyers, and signs advertising myself and put them at each location so that all they have to do was point at the sign and give the client a pen and . . . one appointment each. Not bad. So then I tanned each owner for free and gave them a gorgeous tan. . . this week I had 19 appointments. WOO HOO!

People are genuinely excited about this product and I am genuinely excited about the fact that I get to make people happy all day and still spend my evenings and weekends with my family.

This week is Prom so my goal is to beat 19 appointments! I will let you know!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


We got this incredible testimonial a few days ago and I just had to share! I love our clients! Thanks Toni!

I am an Esthetician and my sister Wendy is a Massage Therapist. We are in the business of making people look and feel their best. Golden Sol was a perfect addition to our menu. I researched spray tan systems for two years trying to find the best one at a great price. Golden Sol is that and more. Krista and Natasha's desire for us to be successful and the support they offer to make that happen, are non existent elsewhere in the industry. My clients LOVE the results they get and I love that I'm not doing anything harmful to their skin! We not only spray at our main location, Alli Roberts Salon in Conyers, but we do mobile parties which have been a big part of our success. I would recommend this company to anyone serious about giving their clients a healthy alternative to tanning beds and sun exposure.

Toni Kelecheck

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thank you for my thankless job

They say being a Mother is a thankless job. When all those well-meaning Mothers and Grandmothers are giving this unsolicited advice as you glow with the joy of expectation and pregnancy you only half listen. Sure, you hear them, but dont really believe it. It is when you are being hit in the face with strings of spaghetti from an angry, and apparently not hungry toddler, that the words come back and the "a-ha" moment takes place. Even then though that sleepy toddler half closes his eyes and smiles and sleepy smile and you are back. Thankless? I don't think so. That little "I wuv you, momma" is all I need. It is true. We may not get "Thank you's" for being Mommy but we know we are appreciated and loved.

However, I have the true thankless job: being a working Mother. I can truly say that my children and husband are thankful for my homemade cakes, hair brushing skills, and wonderful tickle monster performances. The thing is the moment I get a phone call or have to turn on my computer they all act like I have not spoken to them in days!

Maybe it is because I work from home or part time. If I had a full time job I drove too there would be less expected of me at home I am sure. I would also have the luxery of leaving the office at the office. That, however, is not the case. I work 20-30 hours a week, from home, on my own business. I also pick up the girls from school, handle any and all doctors appts (and with three kids there are plenty), and run the house. This means I am mentaling working a to do list from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. It is also means that no matter how hard I try to make school hours my main working hours that that is not always possible. I have to answer calls occasionaly and checking my email twice a day really helps me not miss a beat with clients. I cook dinner, sit down with the family, watch everyone play Wii for half an hour and then the moment I step away and open the laptop. . . KABOOM! The world is ending, my husband is giving that look, the kids immediately start mis-behaving. What in the world!!!!

I would like my family to recognize and be thankful for the fact that they did not have to go to daycare today afterschool, that the laundry is done, and those darn chicken fingers were made from scratch! I would like for my husband to be thankful that I am trying so hard to be the perfect Mom and make a significant contribution to the household. That, yes, it would be great if I could be completely tuned in ALL the time but to do that means I would need to give up working. Why cant these people see the big picture?

So Motherhood IS truly it's own reward but there is no appreciation, at least in my house, for being a working Mom. I am looking forward to the day my kids have kids, and they are working their tales off to be fantastic parents, and provide for them at the same time and they get their "a-ha" moment. I know my Mom sure gets a peaceful look on her face everytime I thank her, once again, for putting up with me when I was this age. Maybe by the time I am that old even my husband (of whom I am only mildy complaing because for the most part he is just about as perfect as he can get) will get some perspective. Only time will tell. Until then I guess I will continue to do things like write my blog at 9pm on Sunday Night when a basketball game is on and I cant possibly being doing something for anybody else. Me time. . . work time.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Speed Bumps for Bicycles

Road Blocks for Bicycles?
Winter may have Christmas and Summer may have beach vacations but Spring and Fall, they are the real winners in my book. These seasons are not known for extremes like freezing cold or blazing heat but rather great weather for being and playing outside. They are perfection. Cool breezes, warm sunshine, and endless amounts of daylight.
My family and I have been holed up playing Wii for three and a half long months, pretending to be playing tennis and volleyball for hours on end. That, thankfully, is now over.
It was officially warm this weekend. All week long we talked about our Saturday outing. We were loading up the bikes and picnic basket and spending a long day on the trails.
My eight year old got a big girl bike for Christmas and has been practicing hand braking, gears, and hills relentlessly in between snow storms. My husband also got a new bike for Christmas which meant that I no longer had to haul the bike trailer with our 6 and 2 year olds. WOO HOO! I was dreaming of how much more fun I was going to have without an extra 105 pounds connected to my rear wheel.
Spring is like a re-birth for us each year. We try to think of ways to beat the Winter doldrums and stay active in the cold, but ultimately get bored and lazy. Then the temp hits 65 and you cannot drag us back inside. Catch, soccer, bikes, grilling, or just reading a book on front porch. We become those active people you see in commercials selling McDonalds and Sun Block.
So like I said, we were excited. We talked about our little trip, bought snacks, went to bed early: the works. Saturday morning the girls and I get everything ready inside while my loving and patient husband spends over an hour trying to get the new bikes to fit properly on our old bike rack. Then we were off.
We have now spent approximately 3 hours talking about our trip and two hours loading up for it at this point in time.
We drove 30 minutes and spill out of the car in an excited burst. Walter unloads while I haul every one into the bathrooms to the chorus of , “ but I DON’T have to pee”. And yes, every single one of them peed. I get back and there are bikes laying everywhere (why don’t nice bikes come with kickstands but cheap bikes do? I don’t understand) and Walter is growling at the bike rack. The kids are bouncing around like automated pogo sticks making the situation more tense and then it happened. . . I tried to help.
Yup. Instead of following our tried and true routine of taking the kids down to the lake while Daddy wrestled with the technical stuff, I started to assemble the bike trailer. Guess how long it takes me to break a bike trailer? That is right, after 5 and half hours of bike ride preparation I broke the trailer in less than 45 seconds.
Walter then spent another thirty minutes trying to re-assembled the spring thingy that busted everywhere when I touched it, excersizing his right to free speech before spending another 20 minutes re-loading the bikes back onto the rack. So now we have worked 6 and a half hours and ridden 0 minutes.
We then took a very quiet (Walter’s right to free speech was overridden by Golden Rule #2, if you don’t have anything nice to say then say nothing at all)walk around the lake (which was lovely) and headed home.
All in all I have to say that although our day did not turn out anything like I had planned, I was very proud of our kids for bouncing back so easily and maintaining a good attitude through-out the whole ordeal and that was worth a lot in my book.
Next week is another Spring rite, The Cherry Blossom Festival, wish us luck.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Forcast is SUNNY with a Chance of SHORTS! Get ready for them now!
Check out to find a Spray Tan Technician near you.

Also. . .


Golden Sol is having their Spring Clearance with All Natural Suntan Lotion as low as $3.99 and More! Check out and visit the StoreFront to see more!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Volunteers Needed

Parent Volunteers Needed:
As a Working Mother I tend to dread these notes; Parent Volunteers needed to assemble Easter Egg Baskets, Parents needed for only two hours on Wednesday at 10:00am to read with the kids, Parents needed to teach Vacation Bible School, Parents – Don’t forget your contracted 10 hours of school service are due at the end of the month. Parents, Parents, Parents. Yes, I own my own business and create my own hours. Yes, I have it better than most Working Moms. Yes, I love being a part of my kids daily lives. But NO! I cannot interrupt every single week to be in the classroom. I cannot be all things to all people and have to draw the line from time to time. Do you sense my frustration? Do you ever feel guilty when you just have to say no? or when you say yes too much and never have a moment to lay around the house and just . . . enjoy your family.
As I was sitting in a monthly parent meeting at my kids school last week something dawned on me. I spend somewhere between 5-10 hours a month (don’t judge, I know many of you do triple that) in my kids schools and church. I dedicate myself to these activities because I know they need support, because I am very grateful the role they play in my kids lives and want to support them, and because I feel that if I use a service that I should contribute to it. I don’t do the most or least but I do all that I can within the limits of what works for my family.
But then there was a big question. . .
Sure I know why I am doing this, sitting in a school room on a Tuesday night instead of being at home tucking in my kids, but do my kids? Sure, I know why I stress over selling candles and stuffing Easter Eggs, but do my children?
In fact, my kids know why they have to clean out the dishwasher and pick up their own clothes. They know why they have to pack their own lunches and remember their own book bags (and yes, no matter what is inside the book bag or they are serving for lunch I simply will not go back for it- this is one of those lines that must be drawn). They hear constantly how they have to be responsible for themselves and how they have to help out the family and be a part of running our house.
My question is do they know how to apply this lesson past our driveway? They hear about charity work. They sing songs at the Retirement Home once a year and bring a shoebox full of toys at Christmas. But what about responsibility at school?; at Church? At the park they love or Gymnastics class?
What if instead of PARENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED on every heading, we saw some PARENTS AND KIDS NEEDED: to clean the school yard, cut out crafts for VBS, and to make cookies for the Bake Sale. What if we let some kids sit in on these Parent Volunteer Committees and ask them to make copies for Teachers or even come in to their Siblings classes and read?
Letting the kids volunteer for the very places that serve their needs can really bring home the idea of community service. And, letting the kids serve alongside us make each task so much more fun!
So this Easter my eight year old help me stuff 100 Easter Eggs for church (at first she loved it, then she got bored, then she felt accomplishment at a task completed) and my 6 year is helping me prepare craft bags for VBS. I now look for ways to include my kids in my volunteering and am no longer dreading the next Parent Committee Meeting.
Somehow doing these things with the kids serves my motherly need to multi-task and really makes me feel they are learning a lesson that can take them somewhere in life and that serves my need to be the best parent I can be. So. . . PARENTS AND KIDS NEEDED to run your school, church, and park. They may be short but their hearts are mighty, you may be surprised by what they can do.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring pregnancy, fun and the outdoors...

There's no better time to be pregnant than during the spring. Of course I'm sure every pregnant person has their own point of view, but how could you not love coming out of hibernation and into the warm sun.

Ok, here's the real truth, being cooped up in your home all winter with a 3 year-old and a 1 year-old could drive any sane person nutty. Now take into the fact that I'm pregnant, ahhhhhh!!! Seriously though, getting outdoors, going to the park, flying kites, blowing bubbles and playing in the sandbox are only a small fraction of all the fun Spring brings. My family and I enjoy having friends over, grilling steaks and veggies all while the kiddos are running around thawing out from their winter hibernation.

Last weekend I did something new to ring in Spring. I planted flowers! This is big for me because I kill everything that lives in soil. Friends have given me plants before and I welcome them with a "thanks" and say a silent prayer for the poor little plant soul being placed in my hands. Finally my mother exclaimed that it was time for me, a grown woman, to understand the basics of caring for plants, so she got me an ivy to jump start my training. It sits right next to my kitchen sink so I'm reminded to water it when the soil is dry. I've done pretty good at the watering part and it actually started growing so large that my mom had to come over to prune it. Since I passed my first challenge it was now time to embark on my biggest plant challenge. Planting flowers outside! My mom accompanied me to our local home improvement store and the nice little gardening employee helped me make my plant selections. We came across a beautiful plant with the perfect little red flower. That was the flower I wanted, so the employee helped me load up my cart. He then proceeded to tell me that I'll need to make sure to "dead-head" them for their blooms to come back. Ummmm, excuse me?? First, if you expect me to have the time to go around and snip the heads off these poor little flowers AND even trust me with scissors around any type of plant, well that wouldn't work for me. So the perfect little red flower plants had to go back on the shelf. Finally I did find my perfect plant and it had bright, vibrant blooms. I don't have to do anything except water. I've got the water thing down so I know I can do my part in keeping these plants alive, of course if they die this will not be my fault! We loaded up my cart and my nerves cringed when I swiped my card for close to $100 for all the plants. It's like paying for dirt, it doesn't feel right... Anyway, my mom and I got home and unloaded all of my beautiful plants. I said a little prayer for them all and started planting them in their new home. I learned a lot from my mom that day. She's one of those women that knows how to do everything! I also learned that my 3 year-old and I found something new for us to look forward to when Spring rolls around. We enjoyed getting our hands dirty, playing with the water hose and then sitting and enjoying the beauty of our new little flower friends.

One week later, I'm happy to report that they're still alive and beautiful. Even if the flowers don't make it through my torcher, we will still look forward to Spring every year and all the activities it brings as well as our new adventure of planting the perfect flowers.

Happy Spring Everybody! Kendra Odum- VP of Research and Development

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fit for Spring

It is HERE! Alright, officially it is not here till the 20th and, actually, it doesn’t really feel like Spring outside right now. However, make no mistake, it is SPRING! March is coming in like a lion but in a few short weeks it will be out of here like a lamb and I am ready. I am no longer content to sit on my sofa all day wrapped in a Snuggie. I can feel the pull of the outdoors, bare legs, and flip flops.
I am always tempted at this time of year to panic. Oh No! Bathing Suit season is only months away. Oh No! My shorts shrunk in storage. My general routine is: First, to panic. Next, go on a diet that I can’t possibly maintain. And, finally, start an exersize regime that should only be attempted by a tri-athlete.
Not this year though! This year is different. I have learned my lesson. Panicking doesn’t solve anything, I cannot stay on any diet that does not allow a glass wine on girls’ night out and although I am fit, I am no tri-athlete. This year the key word is baby steps.
My first baby step is my diet. While I cannot deny myself a glass wine or a really good cheesecake, I can enjoy all the wonderful things Mother Nature gives us this time of year. Already my fridge has made a marked transformation from being filled with frozen dinners and comfort foods, to being stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables. This doesn’t feel like I am denying myself anything since I really did miss peaches this winter, and strawberries, and blueberries. . .

Step two is exercise. Instead of embarking on any routine (the word itself makes me bored before I begin) I am just going to do what comes naturally. A warm day calls my soul outdoors anyway: a walk with my family after dinner, a Saturday bike ride, and maybe even a hike to enjoy the gorgeous new palette of Spring.

The truth is change doesn’t come without action but this year I want my changes to stick. So I am making them one step at a time. Longer days and warm rays of sunshine are on their way. Old Man Winter is heading off to hibernate and Mother Nature is about to bless us with gorgeous new flora and fauna. So again, IT IS HERE! No panicking. Let’s Celebrate!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Maternity Fashion Trends

I am more ready for spring than I have ever been, partially because that brings me closer to my due date and partially because I am looking forward to less clothing! With my first pregnancy, I was due in late January, which means I was at my biggest point during the winter months. With this pregnancy, I’m just the opposite, due in June and looking so forward to wearing all of those cute spring maternity clothes. My big dilemma now is that I have nothing to wear!
I have been doing some looking around and I’m so excited about some of the trends this year and terrified of just a few. I don’t know about any of the other pregnant women out there, but the thought of “short shorts” being in, yes even in maternity, is not going to happen. I have things showing up on my legs that I didn’t know were there. I am holding on tight to the hope that things will just go right back to normal once this baby is here. But in the meantime, I don’t want to scare anyone with the road maps and bumps! I’ve also seen some info on “jumpsuits” being in this year for maternity wear. What????? The number of times I have to frequent the restroom is reason enough to avoid this one, not to mention that jumpsuits do NOTHING for a growing mid section.

What I am looking forward to in this year’s trends are the colors, mainly pastels and sugar candy shades, i.e. pink, lavender, yellow. Lucky for me I have unlimited access to all natural spray tanning…which pairs up really well with these colors! I am also really excited about the light and flirty materials this year, silk and satin with lots of frills and ruffles. Floor length dresses are also back this year, yeah! I have already purchased a few and with this winter drawing out, I’ve had to try them on several times to make sure they’ll still work. Hurry spring, hurry!! I am so over the stretchy work out pants and sweatshirts…especially because I am a working mom that needs to look presentable. I have one or two “staple” outfits that have worked for my important days, but even those are getting a little shorter and tighter…yikes! Here in Georgia we got just a glimpse of what spring is going to be like, if it would ever get here. We had a beautiful 70 degree day and there I was trying on my sundresses again, just hoping it was here to stay this time. Unfortunately I woke up to 40 degrees again today and realized those cute and flowy outfits may sit on the shelf a few more weeks. I’m also noticing that fitted is definitely in this spring, fitted and fun tees, fitted busy fabrics, off the shoulder fitted shimmery shirts. Lots of fun stuff and many ways to show off that baby bump.
So come on spring…I’m ready and my tight winter wardrobe is ready for a break.

Krista Bixler- President of Golden Sol

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring Fashion Trends for 2010

I know that we have snow flurries still falling but trust me. . . Spring is almost here! I can feel the sunshine on my bare shoulders as I write this.

Once I started daydreaming about Spring,sun,and warmth I couldn't stop. I took a look at my closet with the knee high boots I couldn't wait to put on few shorts months ago, my long sweaters, and skinny jeans and I suddenly was tired of them all. I am ready for light flowing fabrics, showing my toes, and layering tees and tanks instead of scarves and jackets. So I went a step farther and took a look at what fashion trends are heading our way for Spring 2010. There is some good, some frightening for a mother of three like myself, and some that I can't wait to get my hands on. . . Here is what I found:

The Good. . .

The palette for spring is light, romantic, although somewhat reserved it is a welcome change from the bold jeweled tones of last year that not all of us can really pull off and can easily look cheap on the low end of clothing lines. This palette reflects the state of the economy as well the mood of the people;soft nuetral tones with a romantic vision of time past. So for me this is good, maybe not wow-me-fantastic, but certainly not bad.

Now for the bad. . .
Short, shorts are back. I don't mean the finger tip length, or even what I would consider a fairly short short. I mean SHORT, non-existent, shorts. You may think, "is that a bathing suit?", but no, they are shorts. They are everywhere. Tan legs go a long way with this look but cant take a Mother of Three all the way. Even if I do work out four times a week and lay of the cupcakes this is just not going to work. They are super cute on the right figure but having two daughters keep me from loving them all the way. We will just have to see as this plays out. I was so happy when bermuda shorts came into fashion I have the distinct feeling that this year they will be labeled mom-shorts and I will be hopelessly dated.

A saving grace? If you have a good figure, want to embrace this trend, but dont want to bare your backside, try an up-to-there split. Long dress with eye raising split that show off the front of your legs (which look infinately better than backs of my legs) are also in high demand this year.

Finally, what I can't wait to get my hands on!

The boyfriend blazer, feathered headbands, and all natural makeup. Love, Love, and Love. I am so glad the boyfriend blazer is stickng with us this Spring. This great relaxed jacket completes so many outfits. It adds sophistication without stuffiness and really helps bridge the gap between warm days and cool nights (that is the Mother in me talking).

The feathered headband. This is a little out there for mom in me but soooo cute. I especially love it with short hair. A great way to add a little fun and youth to a evening outfit.

The No-Make-up, Make-up Look. LOVE this. Celebrate the natural beauty that comes with Spring. I am not advocating not wearing make-up but rather keeping it light, soft, and romantic. LOVE THIS LOOK!

Most importantly, have fun! It is Spring after all.

Thank you for the photos.

Monday, February 22, 2010

For me . . . flexibility is FREEDOM!

For me. . . flexibility is freedom.

Time may be money but flexibility is freedom. I have three kids, a dog, and husband. All of which need my attention on a daily basis. That is not counting my mom, dad, sisters, in-laws, and friends. I love them all and love being the one they call. I love helping others and being depended upon. I hate having to say no, even though after the third child was born I got much, much better at it. However, even with a few no’s, and a lot of helping hands in my life I am still always running.
Family is priority one for me. I want to be there when the kids get off the bus, I want to eat dinner around the table, and I want to spend long, lazy days with them riding bikes, having picnics, and really immersing myself in their world. I am so lucky to have such an incredible partner in life that loves immersing himself into our family as much as I do.
I know I have made my own decisions and have not done so lightly. My husband and I have both chosen career paths that keep us home more than away. Our goals in life are to raise happy kids in a loving home. To have dinner together, weekends together, to really enjoy being a part of our family. They grow so fast and we are having so much fun. We just want to soak up this really incredible season in our life. This is the way it has always been with us. We tried to get pregnant on our honeymoon. We had no list of things we wanted to do before kids. A family was our list. So truly we are on cloud nine right now. Sure our 7, 5, and 2 year olds keep us busy but we would not have it any other way.
That being said, we still need for me to have some type of income. Bike rides may be free but the bikes are not, nor is the fee to park at our favorite trail, the food for the picnic, and so on and so on. That is why I have chosen to work with Golden Sol. I work when I want and as much or little as I want. This kind of freedom allows me to volunteer in my child’s classroom, go on field trips, and meet the bus everyday without completely giving up my ability to contribute to the household budget and have my own adult life outside of the home.
Flexibility is the keyword for me. With all the people in my life that depend on me I need to be able to re-arrange my schedule every single week. But really, I would not have it any other way. . .

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Career Woman, Working Mom, and Preggars

Wow, where do I start? I've taken on this new journey of being a "Career Woman" in June 2009. I fell in love with Golden Sol's natural and organic solution so much that I started my own company, SHADE and, just recently, became part owner in Golden Sol. Through support of my family, a little bit of marketing, and "good-ole" word of mouth, I've got over 100 regular clients in the 7 months SHADE's been up and running. A few of which I've actually helped to start their own mobile airbrush companies and now send client leads to them through my marketing. With 2 young children, Katie 3yrs, Tyler 10mos, and 1 on the way, I feel pretty good about what I've accomplished in such a short period of time. It has taken A LOT of support and patience from my family for me to get my business off the ground. Many times I've left my house, kissing my kiddos goodbye, and my heart has wrenched with guilt on leaving them. Then I quickly remind myself of the lesson I'm teaching them about being able to have a career but keeping your family #1. I feel the spray tanning industry is in the baby stages still and is about to explode, taking place over tanning beds. I actually got started doing this business because I had a very deep skin cancerous spot removed from my breast back in May. My dermatologist told me the reason I had that spot, with how deep it was and it's delicate location, was most likely due to the tanning bed. I haven't used a tanning bed in years. My mission is to educate people on how dangerous tanning bed use is. I'm all for hanging outside in the sun, just use sunscreen and under NO circumstance use the tanning bed. Regardless if you only end up with wrinkles and sun spots or worse, you get skin cancer, it takes on average 5-10 years for these skin issues to appear. That's really scary! Since May, I've had 5 spots removed, all of which have been really deep. With the legislature passing the 10% tax on tanning beds that should at least open peoples eyes to how dangerous these things are.
So far, I couldn't be happier with how I've managed my career and family life. The mobile airbrush industry allows me to do so and I couldn't be more thankful for this coming into my life. Do I need to even mention how great it is to be able to contribute to our household income?! Now I have to be honest, since I am expecting another little one soon, I do get a little concerned on how I will handle everything. Again, I remind myself that my family comes first and nothing matters other than that. The clients, who I've helped start their own mobile airbrush business, will be getting a lot more referrals from me until I get back in to my day to day groove. I don't know how long that will take, but I do know it will be on my terms and what feels right for my family.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Working Mom- Balancing it all.

Thirty-one years old and still battling to find a balance between family and being a business owner. For so many years I’ve questioned my self-worth. Not that I didn’t think I was clever enough or capable, just whether I was sacrificing one thing to achieve another. Was it possible to become a successful business owner and to be a great mother?
I remember that my mother once told me, “You can only ever be GREAT at one thing, good at two, fair at three, and then it goes downhill.” It that was true, I was prepared to just be “good” at both career and being a mother.
Already blessed with an amazing daughter, who now is five, my husband and I wanted more. We suffered with two miscarriages after my daughter was born. It was hard and painful to say the least, but we managed through. We always considered how fortunate we are to have our daughter.
Three years since our last pregnancy and much time to forget, we found out a few weeks back that we were pregnant. The surprising thing was that we weren’t even trying. I was so excited and hopeful. A few very short days later we found out that it just didn’t work out.
I felt broken. It wasn’t this miscarriage that broke me, but the forgotten hopes and dreams of another child from three years back that came bubbling to the surface. However, through every heartache, something profound can be learned.
I realized that I’m truly happy with who I am as a person and more importantly who I am as a mother. My husband and I have picked ourselves back up and are now on a mission to get on the baby bus.
As for my career – well, can you ever have it all? I think so. I feel like I’ve found a balance between maintaining the career-driven aspects that help to fulfill me in my life while at the same time being able to pick up my daughter when school gets out. To me, it doesn’t get better than that.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Krista Bixler- Business Owner and Working Mom

Balancing my life between being a working mother and raising my family is the hardest thing I’ve ever tried to tackle…emotionally and physically. I wonder if you ever completely decide which is best for you? One week I love being a business owner and actually having goals to reach for and the next week I’m daydreaming about being that stay at home mom that dedicates her entire day to her family’s health and well-being. It doesn’t help that I’m an emotional rollercoaster right now, being 5 months pregnant with our second child and wondering how in the world I’ll ever fit it all in. My 3 year-old is so excited about becoming a big sister but also needs more attention these days to cope with the idea of a new member being added to our family. I have found it very difficult with this pregnancy to find any extra down time and I’m wondering if there will ever be such a thing again! I have always been one to put a lot on my plate and then laugh at myself later and wonder “what were you thinking?” Somehow, I always pull through and vow never to take on too much again. And then the very next day I do it again. Is this a woman thing…or a mom thing…or a personality flaw?? Do I secretly enjoy the chaos or am I just a people pleaser who doesn’t know how to say no? My goal in this life on earth is to figure out why I do the things I do and what path I should be on. Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life really is? I am on a constant journey to find mine and feel that I’m one step closer with each day that passes. So, about being a pregnant, working mother….. I started a business roughly 2 years ago and was fortunate enough to join forces with two very powerful women this last year. We are all mothers and have had quite a journey together. We have laughed together, cried together, completed milestones together and truly found a bond with one another. No matter how different we are, we are all dealing with the same thoughts of being business women who want to make a difference, but trying desperately to find a healthy balance between work and family. We’re at a crucial point in our business where we are introducing new products and ideas and we’ve also decided to share who we are with the rest of the world…which means photo shoots!! Yikes! If photo shoots aren’t hard enough, try adding some extra weight and a bunch of clothes that don’t fit and it becomes a very scary adventure. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love being pregnant and know that I am truly blessed; it’s just so hard to let go and embrace the crazy changes that pregnancy will take your body through. Isn’t big supposed to be beautiful?? Why can’t we see that? In our business, we primarily work with women and we are just astonished at the way most women feel about themselves. We’ve yet to find a woman that is truly happy with the way she looks and feels. Why is that?? Why are we so hard on ourselves? Back in the day, a bigger woman was more desirable than a smaller woman and why does size matter anyway? We were all made to be perfect individuals…no two people alike. Will we ever get back to thinking like that? So, as I say I’m trying to find my purpose, I feel a pull towards helping women feel beautiful again…just the way they are, naturally. That’s where I’ll head for now.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


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